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Transport & Logistics

iGoEasy. A tablet-driven forklift.

Apple prodigies - iPods and iPads - not only facilitate contact with the virtual world, but also allow to control the forklifts. An example can be the automated Still model EGV-S with iGoEasy application, the first control system that enables logistics management without training and expert support.

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XXL size. Innovative use of cardboard in logistics by Smurfit Kappa.

Safety, ecology and convenience have a key meaning in typical industrial packaging. Owing to the experience of more than 300 factories on three continents and the access to unique design tools Smurfit Kappa is persuading the market that large-size transport packaging is developing as quickly as SRP.


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A box manual. Cardboard capabilities in transport according to Dunapack Eurobox.

 We współczesnym świecie pojęcie dostępności konkretnych dóbr konsumpcyjnych uległo znacznej przemianie. Wpływ na to wywarła postępująca globalizacja, otwarcie rynków oraz rozwój nowoczesnych mechanizmów logistycznych. Niezależnie jednak od wartości produktu oraz drogi, jaką musi on pokonać, jego nabywca chce być zapewniony, że zostanie mu on dostarczony w najwyższej możliwej jakości, w jak najkrótszym czasie i po możliwie najniższej cenie.

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Editor's note

Who are we?

It protects, expands the expiry date, persuades. Packaging. Influenced by an intriguing design, often we decide to buy something on impulse, that wasn’t to be found on our shopping list. We are tempted by their beautiful forms, intrigued by embossed printing made by innovative, cutting-edge technology and by the use of unusual materials.
