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Love your neighbour! Brokula&Ž

“But make sure your husband doesn’t catch you at it!” – it’s only an exemplary quote from marketing campaign of the new clothes brand Brokula&Ž from the company Bruketa&Žinić OM. The new company offers, with a bit of Croatian humour, clothes made from organic materials. As a part of an unconventional marketing approach the brand decided to place on their packaging hidden messages for the customers. Information regarding the use of eco-friendly inks and recycled paper is forwarded using funny dialogues between a bird and a broccoli. Both characters are main elements of the company’s visual identity, which in an interesting way tries to pass the message that they are truly concerned about the environment. Additionally, selected packaging can be used as a gift or an interesting decorative element for households, e.g. a cup-shaped container was designed in a way so it can be used as “something else” depending on the user’s needs. 

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Editor's note

Who are we?

It protects, expands the expiry date, persuades. Packaging. Influenced by an intriguing design, often we decide to buy something on impulse, that wasn’t to be found on our shopping list. We are tempted by their beautiful forms, intrigued by embossed printing made by innovative, cutting-edge technology and by the use of unusual materials.
